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Rook's Books Featured Hero

October was first designated as Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the 1980s and has been recognized every October since. It is a time to celebrate people with Down syndrome and make others aware of their abilities and accomplishments. People with Down Syndrome are just like you and me.

We all want love, friends, and a fulfilling life. Join us as we celebrate our Down Syndrome Heroes in October.

To learn more about Down Syndrome visit

We Are Pleased to Introduce You to Lola!


Lola was born on March 2018, with her built-in best friend and womb-mate, Levi.  Her parents, Del and Tiffany were gracious enough to sit down with Rook's Books for a little Q&A.

Question: So, tell us about Lola?

Answer: Lola is our fun-loving, caring, capable, smart, and artistic daughter – who just happens to have down syndrome.  We are all so in love with her and am so thankful for God’s abundant love.

Question: How did you find out she had down syndrome?


Answer: The pediatrician visiting her room after the birth of our twins (Lola and Levi) was the first to notice something was a little different. She had lower-set ears, almond shaped eyes, and a small face.  These were the initial signs.  All of this came following the initial post-birth tests.


Question: So, what was your reaction to hearing this news?

Answer: I asked myself so many questions.  “Dear Lord, why us? What is our purpose?” I felt guilty about even publicly sharing these thoughts at first, because I didn’t want to upset anyone who had down syndrome, or who’s characteristics were more severe.  Over time, we have learned to love our blessings more, and focus on what God has in store for us.

Question: How is Lola developing today?

Answer: Lola is reaching the same milestones as her twin brother Levi, just on her own timeline.


Question: Do you still have any fears?

Answer: Absolutely.  Many of our fears are not any different for her than our other children.  We wonder if she will ever live independently.  Will she marry?  Will she be happy? Will others take advantage of her in the future?  Will she be able to communicate effectively? – among other things.  But I am reminded daily that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but he has given us power, sound minds, and love.

Question: What is Ms. Lola doing now?


Answer: She is currently taking piano lessons (covered by Medicaid).  She absolutely LOVES her dance lessons, and is also finding time to cheer, like her mother!  We will continue to expose her and all our children to everything their hearts choose to pursue.


Question: What would you say to someone who may have just learned of their child’s down syndrome diagnosis?

Answer: All is not lost, and fear is not uncommon.  It took us awhile to process the diagnosis, to be honest.  At the end of the day, all of our children just want the same things – love and inclusion.  While your child may be different, we will find more to celebrate in how we are alike than their differences.  “Don’t worry about anything.  Instead, PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING!  Tell God what you need, and THANK HIM for ALL HE HAS DONE!

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